In this #BeforeAndAfter, you can see Dr. Samadian's mastery of cosmetic dentistry and extensive experience that allow him to create unmatched results like these 👏 Our patient came to us needing replacement #veneers, #gumrecession correction, and straighter bottom teeth. After discussing options with our patient, we're honored to showcase how the color, shape, symmetry, and overall look of her smile are enhanced! We replaced her veneers, added #Invisalign to her bottom teeth, and saved her gums from continuing to recess.
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Treating patients throughout San Francisco & East Bay. Dr. Samadian specializes in treatments such as smile makeovers, porcelain veneers, digital reconstructions, aesthetic dentistry, and dental implants. Focusing on regeneration and restoring tooth structure, bone loss, and gum recession utilizing the latest LANAP laser technology.