If your wisdom teeth are causing dental issues, extraction may be the recommended course of action. Dr. Amin Samadian utilizes advanced techniques to gently and comfortably perform wisdom teeth extractions at his San Francisco office.
The third molars in the back of your mouth (normally appearing between the ages of 17 and 20) are known as your wisdom teeth. For most patients, these teeth need to be removed in a timely manner. Failing to do so can cause problems like discomfort, gum disease, and bone loss, along with cavities in the neighboring teeth, infection, and other dental complications.
Dr. Amin Samadian, a leading dentist in San Francisco, and his expert team can perform wisdom teeth removal for patients in the East Bay areas. This can help prevent oral health issues and other potential concerns that can arise when the issue isn’t addressed. To learn more, reach out and set up your consultation today.