Prevent Painful Dental Complications

The third molars in the back of your mouth (normally appearing between the ages of 17 and 20) are known as your wisdom teeth. For most patients, these teeth need to be removed in a timely manner. Failing to do so can cause problems like discomfort, gum disease, and bone loss, along with cavities in the neighboring teeth, infection, and other dental complications. 

Dr. Amin Samadian, a leading dentist in San Francisco, and his expert team can perform wisdom teeth removal for patients in the East Bay areas. This can help prevent oral health issues and other potential concerns that can arise when the issue isn’t addressed. To learn more, reach out and set up your consultation today.

Woman with curly hair looking up with a sunflower behind her ear

Am I a candidate for wisdom teeth extractions?

Dr. Samadian will likely suggest that your wisdom teeth be removed if your wisdom teeth are misaligned, or if your mouth is too small to keep them in a proper bite formation while maintaining optimal hygiene.

Most people will need their wisdom teeth removed at some point. If yours have grown in sideways, are starting to emerge from your gums, or are stuck beneath the gum and the bone, this extraction can become especially crucial, preventing painful and expensive problems before they appear.

Woman with curly hair looking up with a sunflower behind her ear

“I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT! Now how many dentist offices can you say that😁. I went to get my wisdom teeth pulled and I must say, they really had me at ease, and felt like I was in good hands. I was nervous as heck, but every step of the way I was made sure that I was comfortable before my procedure. Plus I LOVE that it doesn't smell like a dentist office. It has a great aroma and good vibes. Recommended this place to all my family and friends, and to anyone who needs to get dentist work, this is where you need to go. 👍👍👍👍👍five thumbs up guys. You deserve it.”

- Yesenia M., Wisdom Teeth Extraction Patient

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Safe and Comfortable Wisdom Teeth Extraction

If you’re worried that your wisdom teeth may cause significant oral problems in the future, wisdom teeth extraction is likely the best choice for your continued dental health.

Dr. Samadian and his team are proud to perform wisdom teeth extractions for patients in the San Francisco and East Bay areas, using gentle techniques and advanced technology that enable the procedure to remain comfortable and anxiety-free. Reach out and set up your consultation to learn more about what Dr. Samadian can do for you today.

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The Wisdom Teeth Extraction Process

The placement of your wisdom teeth and the difficulty of the extraction process will determine the type of anesthesia Dr. Samadian and his team will use. First, a 3D cone beam CT scan will be performed, to reveal the alignment of your wisdom teeth, via a 3D image.

Once the anesthesia has taken effect, Dr. Samadian will make a small cut into your gum tissue to expose the problematic tooth and underlying bone. Next, he will remove any bone that’s covering the tooth, separating the connective tissue in the process. 

Finally, Dr. Samadian will extract the tooth using an ultrasonic device, in the most minimally invasive manner possible. The operation will end when Dr. Samadian cleans the debris from the treatment area, using stitches to close everything up.

Gauze bandages will help stop any bleeding and ensure the formation of blood clots to begin your healing process. Laser technology will help to sanitize the space and minimize the risk of any complications that can arise with wisdom teeth extraction.

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Is Wisdom Tooth Extraction Painful?

While you won’t feel any pain during the wisdom teeth removal in San Francisco with Dr. Samadian, the recovery period may be uncomfortable. You can expect some aching, swelling, and bleeding, but Dr. Samadian will give you detailed instructions on managing your discomfort. You can expect to feel back to normal within a few days.

Say Goodbye to Wisdom Teeth Worries

After wisdom tooth removal, your wisdom teeth will no longer be in your mouth so you shouldn’t have to worry about them causing any future pain or oral health concerns. You’ll be able to enjoy the peace of mind that comes with full dental well-being. To learn more, reach out and set up your consultation today!

Wisdom Teeth Removal FAQ

What is the cost of wisdom teeth removal?

The cost of a wisdom tooth extraction depends on several factors, such as procedure complexity and how many teeth need to be removed. During your consultation with Dr. Samadian, he will discuss the various factors influencing the cost of wisdom teeth removal, so you’re fully prepared and informed.

How can I prevent dry sockets after wisdom teeth extraction?

Dr. Samadian will provide post-op instructions to help you prevent dry sockets after wisdom teeth extraction. Some of these instructions include practicing proper oral hygiene, avoiding straws and smoking, and avoiding crunchy and hard foods for one week.

How can I prevent infections after my wisdom teeth are removed?

Maintaining excellent oral health after your wisdom teeth are removed is imperative to the success of your surgery. Simply by keeping your teeth and gums clean while allowing blood clots to heal, you can prevent infections after wisdom teeth extraction.

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Treating patients throughout San Francisco & East Bay. Dr. Samadian specializes in treatments such as smile makeovers, porcelain veneers, digital reconstructions, aesthetic dentistry, and dental implants. Focusing on regeneration and restoring tooth structure, bone loss, and gum recession utilizing the latest LANAP laser technology.

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